Journal Publications
SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting - Brussels 2017
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SETAC Europe Brussels is a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. You cannot miss this event if you are interested in emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry. Between 2,000 and 2,500 scientists, assessors, regulators and managers from academia, business and government, representing an average of 60 countries, provides a unique networking opportunity and a chance for cross-collaboration long after the closing session.
SETAC North America 2016
37th North America and 7th World Congress
SETAC Orlando is a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. You cannot miss this event if you are interested in emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry. More than 2,500 scientists, assessors, regulators and managers from academia, business and government, representing 40 plus countries, provides a unique networking opportunity and a chance for cross-collaboration long after the closing session.
Dioxin 2016
28 August - 2 September 2016
Dioxin 2016 will be held on the 40th Anniversary of the “Seveso” accident (July 10th, 1976) which so heavily spread anger and risks on a civil population and determined, for the first time ever in the world, a deep revision of relationships between humans, industry and environment. It has been said that there is a “before Seveso and after Seveso” perception of risks and promulgation of laws committed to better respect “Nature”. Very recently, in Paris, the whole world agreed to increase this commitment.
The 36th Dioxin Symposium will continue according to its long scientific tradition of monitoring the large area of Persistent Organic Pollutants in different aspects as origin, metabolism, toxic effects, epidemiology as well the impact on populated and wild areas. You are invited to pay attention to the topics here described and submit your work to the Symposium.
A characteristic of the “Florence-Dioxin 2016” will be the special attention to younger generation, both Students and Young Researchers. A Session with 5 minutes talks by 5 students will directly follow the plenary lectures and every Session will have a “Young Researcher” possibly selected as a speaker. In addition, a significant number of grants will be available for these young Colleagues.
ISEAC 39 conference
July 18, 2016
The program of ISEAC-39 will consist of invited lectures, oral contributions and poster sessions. Session topics will be either method- or problem-oriented. In particular, we welcome contributions that span the full range of the ISEAC scope: The Environmental Part of the conference covers the three elements Air, Water & Soil including anthropogenic chemicals (agricultural and industrial origin, hormonal active and drug residues, human waste water), exhaust gases (indoor/outdoor emissions), fine dust and radioactivity, remediation monitoring and long term transport and distribution regimes. The Food Part mainly deals with innovative and challenging strategies to maintain Food Safety& Food Fraud (authenticity). Methods for trace analysis of residues, chemical or microbial contaminants and new approaches to tackle nano and packaging materials are highly welcome.