I am currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher within the Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In this function I am primarily active on the topic of endocrine disrupting and active compounds in aquatic environments using both in vitro reporter gene assays and chemical UHPLC-MS/MS tools for quantification and identification.
I obtained my Bachelor and Master degree from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and enrolled there also for a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. ir. Marc Elskens. My research then was focussed on the method optimization of the CALUX bioassay and also on the implementation during a large scale study on PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in sludges and general bio-waste applicable to agricultural land. In this project I cooperated with both CODA-CERVA and ULg for sample collection and GC-IDHRMS analysis of dioxins.
Aside from my professional career I am a member of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV) and also of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Within KVCV I am also an active volunteer in the youth section where we organize evening lectures, science days for the general public and scientific conferences for young researchers.
Analytical & Environmental Chemistry
Trace level analysis of emerging and persistent organic chemicals
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Post-Doctoral researcher Innoviris
In vitro reporter gene assay technology for detection of endocrine active chemicals
Aquatic research
Field sampling and data collection in aquatic systems
EU Legislation
Operating within the Water Framework Directive and achieving good water quality in rivers
2009 - 2014
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PhD Researcher
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bachelor & Master studies in Chemistry